Project Description

José Saramago Prize 2011Andréa del Fuego


Andréa del Fuego was born in São Paulo in 1975. She has worked on the literary TV programme Entrelinhas (Between the Lines) and is currently studying philosophy. She has written a number of highly acclaimed adult novels and children’s books. Her short stories have been published in various Brazilian and international anthologies. OS MALAQUIAS was shortlisted for the prestigious Prêmio São Paulo de Literatura 2011 and the Jabuti Prize 2011. Andréa del Fuego has been awarded unanimously the José Saramago Prize 2011.

© Andre de Toledo Sader


The Paediatrician

Although medicine was a natural choice for Cecília, following in the footsteps of her father, she does not match the image one expects of a paediatrician. A doctor who is not at all maternal, with little affection for children and zero patience for their mothers and fathers.
And yet she has a successful practice as a sought-after neonatologist. Gradually, however, she ends up losing ground to a humanist paediatrician, who works with doulas, midwives and accompanies home births. Even the obstetrician with whom she has always worked seems to prefer the humanist.

Cecília undertakes an obsessive dive into the universe of humanised childbirth and alternative medicine, despite being practices she deeply despises. In parallel, she has a relationship with a married man, whose son she treats professionally during his birth. And this child will awaken unexpected feelings and attitudes in her.
With caustic humour and deft, succinct prose, Andréa del Fuego presents in The Paediatrician (“A Pediatra”) an insightful look at human behaviour and key contemporary issues, such as ethics, empathy and the limits that can be easily crossed by those in a position of power.


The Paediatrician


The Miniatures

In her new novel The Miniatures (“As miniaturas”), Andréa del Fuego plunges the reader into a highly original world made up of dreams and reality. In a mysterious building full of corridors, people are working, under strict regulations, as interpreters of dreams. One day, as he leads a boy through his dreams using plastic miniatures, an interpreter realizes the boy is the son of one of his other clients. Although not allowed to work with members of the same family, the interpreter doesn’t report it and gets more and more involved in the lives of mother and son. Once again the author captivates her readers with a profound and entertaining novel.


The Miniatures


The Malaquias

The Malaquias (“Os Malaquias”) is an intriguing, intelligent story of family ties and fate in a world where magic lives alongside reality: When their parents die after being struck by lightning, Nico, Antônio and Júlia are separated. While each one tries to make it on their own, they continue to look for each other. Nico stays behind on a coffee plantation, while Antônio and Júlia are sent to an orphanage. In time, Antônio joins Nico and his family and Júlia becomes a successful dressmaker. Then Nico decides to leave for new shores, where he is sure he will see his sister again. A captivating family saga enhanced by a fresh literary tone that skillfully combines scientific conciseness with magical elements.


The Malaquias


Crystal Skull Society

The world is living through an epidemic caused by an unknown virus, the Bola. The virus has already killed many people, including the grandfather of Vitor, a super-smart thirteen-year-old boy, skinny, with pimples on his face, who lives alienated from the world in front of his computer. Because of Samara, with whom he is in love, the young man discovers a game on the internet, the Skull, and ends up joining the mysterious Crystal Skull Society (“Sociedade da Caveira de Cristal”). To advance in the game, Vitor has to leave the computer on, the internet connected, and to fall asleep, because the game continues in his dreams. Thus, all the players have the same dream and live the same adventure. But Vitor, Samara, and the smart Jorjao (who owns an internet cafe) realize that something is wrong in this story and that together they can save the world from Bola.


Crystal Skull Society


The Paediatrician (“A Pediatra”)
São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2021, 160 p.
Audiovisual rights under option at Anonymous Content (USA/Brazil)
Finalist of the Jabuti Prize 2022
Finalist of the São Paulo Prize for Literature 2022
Semifinalist of the Oceanos Prize 2022
English sample translation available
Argentina: Edhasa 2023 (Spanish world rights) ·  Portugal: Companhia das Letras (PRH) 2022 · Slovakia: Portugalsky · Sweden:
Tranan 2024

The Miniatures (“As Miniaturas”)
São Paulo: Companhia das Letras 2013, 136 p.
English sample translation available
Argentina: Edhasa 2015 (Spanish world rights) · France: Éditions de l’Aube 2018 · Portugal: Porto Editora 2014

The Malaquias (“Os Malaquias”)
Rio de Janeiro: Língua Geral 2010, 276 p. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras 2022, 2023, 190 p.
film rights under option
José Saramago Prize 2011
English sample translation available
Argentina: Edhasa (Spanish world rights) 2012 · France: Éditions de l’Aube 2015 · Germany: Hanser 2013 (leading title autumn 2013) · Israel: Kinneret 2014 · Italy: Feltrinelli 2013 · Kuwait: Alsurra · Portugal: Porto Editora 2012, Companhia das Letras (PRH) 2023 · Romania: Vivaldi 2014 · Sweden: Natur & Kultur 2014 · Uruguay: Banda Oriental

I Lie While I Can (“Minto enquanto Posso”)
São Paulo: O Nome da Rosa 2004, 130 p.

I Deny Everything (“Nego Tudo”)
São Paulo: Fina Flor 2005, 164 p.

Your Mistake (“Engano Seu”)
São Paulo: O Nome da Rosa 2007, 84 p.

I Deny Fire (“Nego Fogo”)
São Paulo: Dulcinéia Catadora 2009, 27 p.

I’m Almost Falling (“Quase Caio”)
São Paulo: Editora Escala Educacional 2008, 93 p.

Crystal Skull Society (“Sociedade da Caveira de Cristal”)
São Paulo: editora Scipione 2008, 182 p.; Escarlate (Companhia das Letras) 2024, 224 p.
Over 300,000 copies sold in Brazil!

Plush Sisters (“Irmãs de Pelúcia”)
São Paulo: editora Scipione 2010, 88 p.; Escarlate (Companhia das Letras) 2024, 224 p.
Argentina: Edhasa 2013

Brazil 25 – 2000-2015 (“Brésil 25 – 2000-2015”)
France: Métailié 2015

Other Carnivals: New Stories from Brazil
UK: Full Circle 2013

Microcontos. Minigeschichten aus Brasilien
Germany: dtv 2013

Popcorn on Copacabana. Young Brazilian literature (”Popcorn an der Copacabana. Junge brasilianische Literatur“)
Germany: Wagenbach 2013

Generation Zero Zero (“Geração Zero Zero: Fricções em Rede”)
Brazil: Língua Geral 2011

Feminine Stories (“Histórias Femininas”)
Brazil: editora Scipione 2011

Written Writers (“Escritores Escritos”)
Brazil: editora Flaneur 2010

Brazil: Editora Terracota 2009

A River of Tales – A Luso-Brazilian Anthology (“Um Rio de Contos – Antologia Luso-Brasileira”)
Portugal: Editorial Tágide 2009

Present Future (“Futuro Presente”)
Brazil: Record 2009

90-00 Contemporary Brazilian Short Stories (“90-00 Cuentos brasileños contemporáneos”)
Peru: Ediciones Copé (Petroperu) 2009

Gallery of the Supernatural (“Galeria do Sobrenatural”)
Brazil: Terracota Editora 2009