Project Description
QuarupAntonio Callado
(1917 – 1997)
Antonio Callado, born in Niterói, Brazil, in 1917, is one of the most significant representatives of Brazilian literature. He studied law and entered journalism at a young age. Callado worked for the BBC in London and was a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

Antonio Callado’s novel Quarup made him a name beyond Brazil. The title refers to the indigenous Brazilian festival of burning and rebirth of the ancestors. Father Nando, a missionary, is sent to convert the Indios in the Xingú reservation. Galvanized by friends’ accounts, he joins the struggle for liberation of the rural population living in abject poverty in the north-east of Brazil.
When Quarup was published in 1967, Brazil had been under a military dictatorship, with politically active priests suffering particularly harsh persecution. Callado’s novel gained special significance in this socical setting and is still one of the most important novels in Brazilian contemporary literature to this day.
Sempreviva is one of Callado’s most significant works. The Brazilian Quinho intends to avenge the murder of his lover, the mulatto girl Lucinda, who was abducted by the military regime, and then tortured and killed on a fazenda.
A expedição Montaigne
In A expedição Montaigne (“The Montaigne Expedition”), a journalist wants to free the native population from the white man. As an admirer of French culture, he takes along a bust of Montaigne. But the plan comes to a disastrous end.
Assunção de Salviano
Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio 1954; Nova Fronteira 1983, 146 p.
A Madona de Cedro
Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio 1957; Nova Fronteira 1981, 223 p.
Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira 1967; Nova Fronteira 1990, 604 p.
France: Seuil 1971 · Germany: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1988, 2016 · Italy: Bompiani 1972 · Spain: Argos Vergara 1979 · US: Knopf 1970
Bar Don Juan
Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira 1971; Nova Fronteira 2001, 254 p.
Argentina: Ediciones de la Flor · US: Knopf 1972
Reflexos do Baile
Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra 1977, 140 p.
A Expedição Montaigne
Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira 1983, 132 p.
France: Presses de la Renaissance 1989 · Germany: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1991
São Paulo: Circulo do Livro 1984, Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 5. ed. 1990, 290 p.
Colombia: Norma 1999 · France: Presses de la Renaissance 1985, Belfond · Germany: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1985, 2016, Rowohlt pb 1987, Piper pb 1992 · Italy: Riuniti 1990, Vascello 1994
Concerto Carioca
Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira 1985, 404 p.
Italy: Riuniti 1990
Memórias de Aldenham House
Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira 1989, 306 p.
Esqueleto na Lagoa Verde, 1953
São Paulo: Companhia das Letras 2010, 158 p.
Germany: Berenberg
Os Industriais de Seca
Rio de Janeiro : Civilação Brasileira 1960, 171 p.
Tempo de Arreas, 1964
Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra 1980, 200 p.
Vietnã do Norte
Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra 1977, 171 p.
Passaporte sem Carimbo, 1978