Project Description
Camões Prize 2018Germano Almeida
Cape Verde
Almeida was born on the island of Boavista in 1945. At the age of 18 he went to Lisbon and later studied law. He now lives in São Vicente on the Cape Verde islands and works as a lawyer. When Germano Almeida’s book THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF SENHOR DA SILVA ARAÚJO was published in 1991, Portuguese critics were unanimous in their view that this was a great moment for Cape Verdean literature. Moreover, Germano Almeida is the winner of the 2018 Camões Prize for Literature, the most prestigious international award honoring the work of Portuguese language writers.

Misfortunes of a Governor in the Tropics
Germano Alemeida’s new novel Misfortunes of a Governor in the Tropics (“Infortúnios de Um Governador nos Trópicos”) is set in the 1820s. Colonel João da Mata Chapuzet, who had distinguished himself as a brave military man, especially in the war against the French invaders (he was one of the royal family’s escorts when they fled to Brazil, but he himself returned immediately to Portugal to take part in the war), was appointed military governor of the always half-abandoned colony of Cape Verde. His main mission was to bind the colony tightly to the mother country, putting a stop to a handful of renegades who wanted to integrate the islands into a greater Brazil that was already seeking independence.
And after organising his large retinue in Lisbon, he set off, arriving without any major mishaps at the new capital of the islands, Vila da Praia. Here João da Mata proved to be as skilful and effective in politics as he had been in war. But he forgot that putting things in good order begins with ourselves, with our own house. And in this respect everything went wrong for him.
The Faithful Dead
With The Faithful Dead (“O fiel defunto”), Almeida offers a snappy satire on the cultural scene in his Cape Verde homeland. Miguel Lopes Macieira, the island’s best-known and most-translated author, is shot dead by his friend Edmundo de Rosário at the launch of his first new book after years of silence. The jealous drama is centred on Matilde, thirty years younger than Macieira and loved by both men. The novel is less about solving a crime than about human relationships and how state and church want to share in the writer’s popularity. Finally it is Mariza, Macieira’s former companion who had always come second to literature during his lifetime, who gets the author’s will out of the safe. Around the sometimes grotesquely exaggerated events, Almeida creates a small cosmos of lovable characters with their own stories. Its language of a humorous, empathic narrative makes the novel unmistakable.
The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo
In his novels, Almeida unmasks the hypocrisy of public and private morality in the Republic of Cape Verde (and elsewhere). His most effective artistic tool is humour: Almeida is a master of all arts of literary comedy and his observations on society are sharpened by irony and sarcasm, puns and slap-stick-like situation comedy.
The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo (“O testamento do Sr. Napumoceno da Silva Araújo”) is a highly witty and entertaining book telling about the life of a rich old-school macho on the Cape Verde islands. Amusingly enough, this man owes his economic and social progress to thousands of umbrellas which he once ordered by mistake. No one on the islands ever really needed an umbrella since it hardly ever rains. Fortunately though, this day the heavens were understanding and tore open just at the right moment…
In 2004 the novel was mentioned in the London TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT as one of the Best Books of the Year by Pankaj Mishra:
Germano Almeida’s The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo introduced me to a writer of great comic gifts.
The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo is the predecessor of the great novel My Poet (“O meu poeta”). Almeida’s third novel is entitled The Fantastic Island (“A ilha fantástica”) and in 1995 he published The Two Brothers (“Os dois irmãos”), a gripping story about a case of fratricide.
In his novel, Eva, Luís Henriques and Reinaldo, the narrator, are roaming the streets of Lisbon at night in December 2000. The occasion for their meeting is Eva. Both know her, and both know of each other from Eva’s stories. 25 years ago, she was Luís Henriques’ first love. Now he is curious to find out about this other man in her life. Is he a friend, or even a lover? The backdrop is Lisbon, from the 1960s onward to the Carnation Revolution, and the challenging life on Cape Verde against the background of more recent political developments. From a strictly Catholic bourgeois parental home, Eva moved to Lisbon to go to university, evidently exerting an irresistable charm on the male sex. Here she gets caught up in politics and meets and falls in love with Luís Henriques. After she returns to Cape Verde, she marries the candid Zé Manel without further ado, but embarks on a relationship with Reinaldo. Is it Eva, ultimately, who pulls the strings in all these relationships? The two men are faced with ever more questions and many remain unanswered when they part.
As in previous novels, Germano Almeida knows how to use a priceless story to tell the history of the Cape Verde Islands and their peoples.
Misfortunes of a Governor in the Tropics (“Infortúnios de um Governador nos Trópicos”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2023, 224 p.
A Confissão e a Culpa
Lisbon: Caminho 2021, 185 p.
O Último Mugido
Lisbon: Caminho 2020, 344 p.
The Faithful Dead (“O fiel Defunto”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2018, 328 p.
German: Transit Buchverlag 2020
Mexico: Arlequín 2018
Regresso ao Paraíso
Lisbon: Caminho 2016, 296 p.
From the Cara Hill You Can See the World (“Do monte Cara vê-se o mundo”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2014, 432 p.
The Death of the Magistrate (“A morte do ouvidor”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2010, 382 p.
Lisbon: Caminho 2006, 276 p.
Cuba: Arte y Literatura 2009
The Sea at Lajinha (“O mar na Lajinha”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2004, 275 p.
Memoirs of a Spirit (“As memórias de um espírito”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2001, 319 p.
The Day of Rolled-Up Trousers (“O dia das calças roladas”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1999, 156.p
Dona Pura and the April Comrades (“Dona Pura e os camaradas de abril”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1999, 226 p., 2018, 248 p.
Italy: Urogallo 2019 · Spain: Cobre 2002
The Trago Family (“A família Trago”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1998, 329 p.
Netherlands: De Geus 2002 · Sweden: Tranan 2001
The Two Brothers (“Os dois irmãos”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1995, 238 p.
Film version 2018, dir. Francisco Manso, in World Competition at the 42nd Montreal World Film Festival 2018
Cuba: Arte y Literatura 2005 · German: WDR 2008 (audio drama) · Italy: Nuova Frontiera 2005 · Spain: Bronce 2002
The Fantastic Island (“A ilha fantástica”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1994, 223 p.
Spain: Cobre 2003
My Poet (“O meu poeta”)
Ilhéu 1989, Lisbon: Caminho 1992, 349 p.
Film rights sold
The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo (“O testamento do Sr. Napumoceno”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1991, 167 p.
Film version 1996, Prize as “Best Film”, August 1997, at Brazil’s most important film festival in Gramado
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 1996 · Bulgaria: Five Plus 2009 · Colombia: Uniandes 2020 · Denmark: Husets 2002 · France: Sepia 1995 · Italy: AIEP 1996 · German: Fischer 1997, Unionsverlag pb 2014 · Kuwait: Alsurra · Netherlands: De Geus 2000 · Norway: Cappelen 2001 · Serbia: Dereta DOO · Spain: Bronce 2000; Txalaparta (Basque Country) · Sweden: Tranan 1999 · USA: New Directions 2004
Estórias contadas
Lisbon: Caminho 1998, 250 p.
Indoors Stories (“Estórias de dentro de casa”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1996, 205 p.
Slovakia: Portugalsky Institut 2020 · Spain: Txalaparta 2003
Cabo Verde. Viagem pela história das ilhas
Lisbon: Caminho 2003, 273 p.
Germany: Wagenbach 2010
Crónicas lusófonas. Portugiesische Chroniken
(Ed.: Luisa Costa-Hölzl)
(“Uma Perspetiva da Identidade Cabo-Verdiana”)
Germany: dtv 2022