Project Description

Neustadt International Prize 2014Mia Couto


Mia Couto, born in Beira/Mozambique in 1955, is among the most prominent African writers. After studying medicine and biology in Maputo, he worked as a journalist. Besides writing, he is now a biologist and teaches at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo. His unique style, influenced by animist realism and the lexicon of Mozambique, has revolutionised African narrative in the Portuguese language. Since 1998, Mia Couto has been a corresponding member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters. He was awarded the National Prize for Fiction (1995), the Virgilio Ferreira Prize (1999), the Camões Prize for Literature (2013) and the prestigious Neustadt International Prize for Literature (2014). He was among the six finalists of the Man Booker International Prize 2015 with his body of work and 2017 his novel CONFESSION OF THE LIONESS was shortlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award. In 2020, he won the Jan Michalski Prize for Literature for his trilogy THE SANDS OF THE EMPEROR, and in 2022, he was honoured with the title of Doctor honoris causa by the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). In 2024, Couto was awarded the renowned FIL Prize in Romance Languages. The prize honors the author’s lifetime achievement and consists of 150,000 U$.
Have a look at the author’s homepage: >

His books have been published in over 30 languages.

Mia Couto© Alfredo Cunha


The Infinite River

The Infinite River (»O Rio Infinito«) is inspired by a traditional African story. One winter, the sun stopped rising and the world became dark and cold. Unable to hunt, unable to plant, the family believed that the end of the world had come. Kianda thought: ‘We need to tell our children stories.’ She left the house to look for them, but all the animals she met on the way were in a hurry and afraid. It was a giant tortoise – “God made me with one foot in the sand and one in the water” – who explained that no one but the spirits of the ocean have stories to tell, and took her to the bottom of the sea. In exchange for a sculpture by her husband, in which the queen and king of the deep sea discovered the charms of a kingdom they didn‘t know existed and with each new glance revealed new beauties, Kianda received a huge conch that told new stories every time she touched it to her ear. ‘Then the sun returned to the savannah. And gone forever were the days of hunger, darkness and cold.’


The Infinite River


River Blindness

In August 1914, a military incident in a village in northern Mozambique marked the beginning of the First World War on the African continent. In Mia Couto’s novel River Blindness (»A Cegueira do Rio«), this unexpected episode also triggers a series of mysterious events that culminate in the disappearance of writing in the world. Books, reports, documents, photographs and maps are wiped clean, and no one seems to be able to master the art of writing. The inhabitants of this village are called upon to restore order to the world by teaching Europeans the craft of writing and the arts of navigation.


River Blindness


The Cartographer of Absences

In Couto’s new novel The Cartographer of Absences (“O Mapeador de Ausências”), Diogo Santiago is a prestigious and respected Mozambican poet and intellectual, professor at the University of Maputo, who returns for the first time in many years to his homeland, the city of Beira, on the eve of the cyclone that devastated it in 2019, in order to receive a tribute that his fellow citizens wish to offer him. This journey will be above all a return to his past, to his childhood and youth, when Mozambique was still a Portuguese colony.

A white boy, he is the son of a journalist and, moreover, poet father, and a completely practical and down-to-earth mother. From his father he remembers what he experienced with him: two trips to the place of terrible massacres committed by the colonial troops, his persecution and imprisonment by the PIDE, but above all, and throughout all this, his love for poetry. Diogo also remembers others who inhabited and enriched his and Mozambique’s past. Today he is living a love story that perhaps would have never become one. It all depends on the point of view.

The Cartographer of Absences develops an intrigue with both logical rigor and unexpected surprise, which makes this novel one of the author’s finest works.


The Cartographer of Absences


Compendium for Unearthing Clouds

In Mia Couto’s literary universe, in which a thing – an animal, for example – can be a person, the clouds that we see circling the sky with our eyes can, if considered with our imagination, exist underground. And if that’s the case, a Compendium for Unearthing Clouds (“Compêndio para Desenterrar Nuvens”) is of the greatest use to us.
In these twenty-two exercises in imagination, Mia Couto once again guides us to discover what lies in those things which we see with our eyes and those which our imagination gives us to see. And beware: the two images don’t always match.


The Invisible Elephant Hunter

The Invisible Elephant Hunter (“O Caçador de Elefantes Invisíveis”) collects under this title, which is also the name of one of the tales, the beautiful stories that the magazine Visão has been publishing every month. The style is sober and precise, the themes are various and diverse, the place from where the author sees the world and portrays it in this book is so wide that everything fits in. Between the story of the poor old man who receives a male nurse at home who is on Covid 19 screening duty, and, towards the end of the book, the conversation of the statues that come down from their pedestals – of their own voliton and not knocked over – to talk about the evils and mistakes of this world, between one and another of these stories, the reader encounters characters and scenes that are not going to leave his memory any time soon.

The Invisible Elephant Hunter is once again Mia Couto at his best.


The Invisible Elephant Hunter


The Elegant Terrorist (And Other Stories)

The Elegant Terrorist (And Other Stories) (O Terrorista Elegante (E Outras Histórias)) is made up of three stories based on theatre plays written jointly by José Eduardo Agualusa and Mia Couto, commissioned by the theatre groups A Barraca, from Lisbon, and Trigo LimpoTeatro ACERT, from Tondela in Northern Portugal. In The Elegant Terrorist, which gives its title to the book, an Angolan isarrested in Portugal for his alleged participation in acts of terrorism. The man claims to be able to fly and talks to a bird in prison, which seems to give him the necessary guidance to fulfil his mission. – „I come here to kill.“ This is how the protagonist of It Rains Love in the Street of the Killer (Chovem Amores na Rua do Matador), the second story, finally tries to make peace with his past: by killing the threewomen in his life. The city night plunges into chaos and, as the conflict unfolds in the dark streets, a masked stranger looks for someone to kill. In Black Box (A Caixa Preta), generations of the same familyare forced to face their best-kept secrets. Three delicious short novellas, full of humour and suspense, by two of the most popular and renowned fiction authors in Portuguese.


The Elegant Terrorist (And Other Stories)


The Sands of the Emperor – Trilogy

The Sands of the Emperor (“As Areias do Imperador”) is a fascinating trilogy about the last of southern Mozambique’s emperors, Ngungunyane. Mia Couto achieves the miracle of personalizing history. His language does not overwhelm and does not accuse. It astonishes, makes beauty and terror palpable and shows the abysmal strangeness inherent in such an unequal encounter of cultures. To show this strangeness is perhaps the first step in dealing with the Other.


The Sands of the Emperor


The Drinker of Horizons

With The Drinker of Horizons (“O Bebedor de Horizontes”) Mia Couto completes his trilogy The Sands of the Emperor (“As Areias do Imperador”). The book can be read as a self-contained novel, but also picks up exactly where the second volume of the trilogy ended. It continues the love story between the fifteen-year-old African woman Imani and the Portuguese sergeant Germano de Melo. But the two will not meet again in this life: while Germano is left behind in Africa, Imani must accompany the imprisoned king of Gaza Ngungunyane and his seven women as an interpreter on the long voyage to Lisbon. For everyone but her, it will be a journey of no return. At the same time it is an odyssey through the Portuguese colonial empire at the turn of the year 1895/96. After showing the defeated “Barbarians” to the people and the international press in Lisbon, the king of Gaza is deported to the Azores. The women, among them Imani, who has to leave her new-born son Sanga with Germano’s mother, are brought to São Tomé. Imani finds a foothold above all with Dabondi, the youngest woman Ngungunyanes, who is a kind of seer and speaks in parables. Only after the fall of the monarchy in Portugal in 1911 does Imani return to her home village. On the return journey via Lisbon, she sees her son one last time.

Mia Couto achieves the miracle of personalizing history. His language does not overwhelm and does not accuse. It astonishes, makes beauty and terror palpable and shows the abysmal strangeness inherent in such an unequal encounter of cultures. To show this strangeness is perhaps the first step in dealing with the Other.


The Drinker of Horizons


The Sword and the Spear

The Sword and the Spear (“A Espada e a Azagaia”), the second part of the trilogy, tells of the gradual demise of the kingdom of Gaza in Mozambique. After the attack on his quarters, the defeated sergeant Germano de Melo needs to be taken to hospital. The only one within reach is along the river Inhambane, so Imani goes on an arduous river journey with her father and brother. Meanwhile war rages around of them: the Portuguese occupiers and the king of Gaza’s warriors fight fierce battles with swords and spears, until the arrival of the machine gun ensures European supremacy. Germano wants to start a new life with the young Imani, but the Portuguese military have other plans for the injured soldier. Imani’s father also has different plans for his daughter: as one of Ngungunyane’s wives, she would be close enough to the tyrant to avenge the destruction of their village…

With poetic beauty, Mia Couto points to the futility of war and the boundaries of cultures that are apparently foreign to each other; boundaries which entire societies, but also families and lovers, conceive as simultaneously in decline, and yet still existent.


The Sword and the Spear


Woman of the Ashes

Woman of the Ashes (“Mulheres de Cinza”) is the first part of the trilogy. As punishment, the military sergeant Germano de Melo is posted to the African village of Nkokolani to oversee the Portugueseconquest of Ngungunyane’s empire. There he encounters Imani, a 15-year-old girl who helps him with her language skills, and a people torn between two sides: while Imani‘s brother Mwanatu is fighting for the Portuguese crown, Dubula has chosen Ngungunyane. Slowly and with all their differences, Imani and Germano are drawn to each other. But in a country haunted by men and war, the only hope for a woman isto remain unnoticed, as if made of shadows and ashes. In his characteristically beautiful prose and alternating between the voices of Imani and Germano, Mia Couto gives us a vivid and unsettling account of a Mozambique at war at the end of the 19th century.


Woman of the Ashes


Confession of the Lioness

Confession of the Lioness (“A Confissão da Leoa”) tells the captivating story of the hunter Arcanjo, who is sent to an African village haunted by man-eating lions. There he slowly discovers the darkest secrets of its inhabitants, victims of brutality and inhuman traditions. Based on true facts and written in atmospheric language, Confession of the Lioness skilfully interweaves the enthralling stories of Arcanjo and his former lover Mariamar, constantly surprising the reader with unexpected twists and turns.

Have a look at an English extract on bookanista here!


Confession of the Lioness


The Tuner of Silences

The Tuner of Silences (“Jesusalém”) tells the fascinating story of a family whose lives were shaped by a deeply hidden tragedy. Mwanito and his father Silvestre live far removed from civilization when suddenly a woman appears to disturb their peaceful world, bringing them back to the city. There, Mwanito finally finds out how his mother died and what drove his father to insanity and into the wilderness. A powerful story about oblivion and how we deal with pain and guilt. The novel has been longlisted for the International Impac Dublin Literary Award 2015.




God’s Poison, Devil’s Relief

In God’s Poison, Devil’s Relief (“Venenos de Deus, Remédios do Diabo”) three inhabitants of Vila Cacimba, a small village in Mozambique, are the protagonists: Bartolomeu Sozinho, a retired mechanic, his mulatto wife Munda, and Alfredo Suaecelência, the local authority a vain, corrupt administrator who has been friends with Bartolomeu since childhood and is in constant competition with him. Sidónio Rosa, a Portuguese doctor and aid worker with the task of dealing with an epidemic of meningitis in Vila Cacimba, is a witness to this conflict, which is loaded with sexual tension. Gradually, Sidónio comes to recognise the secrets and contradictions of the African village.

In reality, Sidónio Rosa came to the village in search of Deolinda, who he had met and fallen in love with in Portugal. She is Bartolomeu and Munda’s daughter, allegedly away on a trip. Again and again, Sidónio walks the path from the village’s only boarding house, to the couple’s home to visit Bartolomeu, who is suffering from severe diabetes. He becomes a kind of mediator between the old couple, who argue and fight although they still love each other. The couple tell him they are only in contact with their daughter by letter, but it later transpires that she died during the abortion of Suaecelência’s child. The administrator maintains she died of AIDS. The competition between Bartolomeu and the village head is to do with politics and also with love, as Bartolomeu has reason to suspect that his wife is also Suaecelência’s lover.

All the protagonists are caught up in a web of contradictions  even Sidónio, who claims to be a doctor but has not yet finished his medical degree and ought not to be treating patients. In African narrative tradition, the truth is just as important as its many variations. This book is a beautiful illustration of how people weave illusions around themselves so that they do not have to die.


The Sirene’s Other Foot

The Sirene’s Other Foot (“O Outro Pé da Sereia”) is set in Mozambique in the year 2002. Mwadia Malunga and her husband, the shepherd Zero Madzero, discover a statue of the Virgin Mary. Mwadia is keen to bring the statue to Vila Longe, her place of birth, to keep it in a secure place. She is delighted to return to the village where she was born. The reader becomes acquainted with Mwadias mother, her stepfather, Lázaro the Curandeiro, the inhabitants of Vila Longe and finally, an Afro-American from the United States, allegedly on a quest for his lost African roots along with his Brazilian wife.

On pages of ever-shifting tone and colour, narratives of the present alternate with stories from the past. The statue of the Virgin Mary that Mwadia would find over four hundred years later, was transported on a ship from Goa to Mozambique in 1560, by the Jesuit missionary Dom Gonçalo da Silveira. It was his gift for the ruler of the mythical realm of Monomotapa and was to convert the people to Christianity. On the ship, which also carries slaves, he is accompanied by the young priest Manuel Antunes, who in the course of the crossing speaks out against the inhumane handling of the slaves. A lively picture emerges from colonial times up to the present day. And it would not be a book by Mia Couto if the author were not to capture the magical, mythical world of Mozambique with the all musicality of his language, linking the daily lives of his country’s people in past and present.


The Last Flight of the Flamingo // A River Called Time, a House Called Earth

As in The Last Flight of the Flamingo (“O Último Voo do Flamingo”) or A River Called Time, a House Called Earth (“Um Rio Chamado Tempo, uma Casa Chamada Terra”) the author continues using his very own, uniquely melodic language to describe a world deeply marked by traditional forms yet caught up in the process of constant change in present-day Mozambique.


The Sleepwalking Land // Under the Frangipani Tree

The Sleepwalking Land (“Terra Sonâmbula”), his first novel, was praised by the critics as one of the best novels in the Portuguese language to have appeared in recent years. In 2002 the Jury Africa’s 100 Best Books of the 20th Century” selected The Sleepwalking Land among the top twelve. Its scenario is the battle for survival in the civil war in Mozambique. Similar to the magical realism of Latin America, in this novel and in Under the Frangipani Tree (“A Varanda do Frangipani”) Couto conjures up the nightmare of an omnipresent threat in a way which combines historical truth with individual dreams and living collective myths.


The Sleepwalking Land // Under the Frangipani Tree


Short story collections and novels

After his first volume of poems Couto published several short story collections and novels. He describes everyday life in Mozambique, a country whose people are among the world’s poorest and most maltreated after three decades of civil war. In the process of doing so, Couto integrates elements of his country’s oral tradition and his prose, which is of great musicality, succeeds in creating surreal-ghostly atmospheres out of a concrete link with reality.


Short story collections and novels


For Young Readers

The Water and the Eagle (“A Água e a Águia”) is about a period of drought and how it is finally stopped by an old eagle. This old eagle starts eating the “i” in the name of her species, so “águia” (eagle) is transformed into “água” (water), and this way the water comes back. But only for a time: after the eagles have discovered how great it is to eat “i”s, they cannot stop, and the “rio” (river) stays without the “i” and dries out. Finally the oldest eagle decides to take a risk and despite everybody’s warnings, flies to a cliff and vomits all the “i”s she has yet eaten – and the water and the river come back!
This is a poetic and beautifully illustrated book about how ingenuity and courage can change the world.

Suddenly, in an African village, the rain does not fall, it is suspended, “amazed”, says a little boy from the village. The river is also drying up. Is it the fault of a factory nearby? Is it magic? What role do the old myths and legends play here? Can the cloud senders solve the problem? In The Amazed Rain (“A Chuva Pasmada”) Mia Couto leads us to a magical universe, to which the beautiful illustrations of Danuta Wojciechowska add a special touch.

Books are not meant to be written for children. We will barely be old enough to live in stories. Delighted, like the characters in this little book. In this way, in Little Word Kisses (“O Beijo da Palavrinha”), we will be able to be kissed by words. When Maria Poeirinha fell ill, Uncle Jaime Litorânio said that only the sea, which she had never seen, could cure her. The girl was too weak for the journey, but her brother Zeca Zonzo found a way to take her to see the sea. The magic power of words is the theme of this second book for children by Mia Couto, once again with magnificent illustrations by Danuta Wojciechowska.

Pintalgato, a kitten, is always being warned by his mother not to step beyond the borders of the day. But he, crazy to discover what hides under the shadow of the night, decides to venture out and ends up having an unusual encounter with the dark. When he returns to the light of day, he discovers that his coat, previously yellow with little spots, is now black as night, and he is terrified. With his mother’s help, however, he realizes that the fear of the dark, in fact, is the fear of the “dark ideas we have about the dark”.
In engaging prose and full of little poetic surprises, in The Kitten and the Dark (“O Gato e o Escuro”) Mia Couto elaborates a beautiful fable about the afflictions and enchantments of the unknown. In the words of the author: “Most of the fears we have suffered, as children and adults, have been fabricated to rob us of curiosity and to kill the desire to know what exists beyond the horizon.”



River Blindness (“A Cegueira do Rio”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2024, 328 p.
Brazil:  Companhia das Letras 2024 · Catalan: Periscopi · China: Hunan Literature and Art · France: Métailié · German: Unionsverlag · Romania: Polirom · Spain: Alfaguara (PRH) · Taiwan: Homeward

The Cartographer of Absences (”O Mapeador de Ausências“)
Lisbon: Caminho 2020, 416 p.
Finalist of the Oceanos Prize 2021
Longlisted for the Femina Prize 2022
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2021 · Catalan:
2022· France: Métailié 2022 · German: Unionsverlag 2023 · India: Jadavpur University Press · Spain: Alfaguara (PRH) 2022 (Spanish world rights) · USA: Farrar, Straus & Giroux

Michalski Prize for Literature 2020
The Drinker of Horizons (”O Bebedor de Horizontes“)
Lisbon: Caminho 2017, 384 p.
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2018 · China: Citic 2023 · Croatia: Fraktura · France: Métailié 2020 · German: Unionsverlag 2021 · Poland: ArtRage · Spain: Alfaguara 2018, 2023 · USA: Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2023 · UK: World Editions 2023

The Sword and the Spear (”A Espada e a Azagaia“)
Lisbon: Caminho 2016, 462 p.
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2016 · China: Citic 2023 · Croatia: Fraktura · France: Métailié 2020 · German: Unionsverlag 2021 · Poland: ArtRage · Spain: Alfaguara 2018, 2023 · UK: World Editions 2020 · USA: Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2020

Woman of the Ashes (”Mulheres de Cinza“)
Lisbon: Caminho 2015, 408 p.
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2015 · China: Citic 2023 · Croatia: Fraktura 2024 · France: Métailié 2020 · German: Unionsverlag 2017 · Lebanon: Dar al Adab (Arabic) · The Netherlands: Querido 2016 · Poland: ArtRage · Spain: Alfaguara 2018, 2023 · UK: World Editions 2019 · USA: Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2018, Audiobook 2018, Picador pb 2019

Confession of the Lioness (”A Con­fissão da Leoa“)
Lisbon: Caminho 2012, 270 p.
Shortlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award 2017
Shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2015
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2012, 2015 · Catalan: Periscopi 2016, 2016, 2019, 2023 · China: PRH 2018 · Croatia: Fraktura 2020 · Denmark: Aurora Boreal 2022 · France: Métailié 2014 · German: Unionsverlag 2014; pb. 2016 · Hungary: Európa 2016 · Italy: Sellerio 2014 · Japan:  Shoshikankanbou · Lebanon: Dar al Adab (Arabic) 2019 · The Netherlands: Querido 2017 · Poland: GlowBook · Romania: Polirom 2017 · Slovakia: Portugalsky 2020 · Spain: Alfaguara 2016 · Turkey: Cinar 2022 · UK: Harvill Secker 2015 · USA: Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2015, Picador 2016

The Tuner of Silences (“Jesusalém”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2009, 294 p.
Film rights sold to BRO, LDA, Portugal
Longlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2015
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2009 · Canada: Biblioasis 2013 (English world rights) · China: Citic 2018 · France: Métailié 2011 · Germany: Wunderhorn 2014 · Italy: Sellerio 2015 · Serbia: Geopoetika 2013 · Spain: Alfaguara 2012 · Sweden: Leopard 2015

God’s Poison, Devil’s Relief (“Venenos de Deus, Remédios do Diabo”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2008, 188 p.
Film rights under option
Argentina: Edhasa 2019 (Latin American rights) · Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2008 · France: Métailié 2013 · Italy: Voland 2011 · Mexico: Almadía 2010 · Russia: Inostrannaya Literatura 2012 · Spain: Txalaparta 2011 · Sweden: Panta Rei 2021

The Sirene’s Other Foot (“O outro Pé da Sereia”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2006, 382 p.
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2006 · Spain: El Cobre 2009 · Sweden: Leopard 2010

A River Called Time, a House Called Earth
(“Um Rio Chamado Tempo, uma Casa Chamada Terra”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2002, 262 p.
Film rights under option
Argentina: UNSAM 2016 · Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2003 Catalan: Ediciones 62 2009 · China: Hunan Literature and Art · France: Albin Michel 2008 · Iran: Ofoq Publishers 2024 · Italy: Guanda 2005 · Serbia: Geopoetika 2011 · UK: Serpent’s Tail 2008

The Last Flight of the Flamingo (“O Último Voo do Flamingo”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2000, 225 p.
Feature film released in 2010
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2005 · China: Guangxi Normal University Press Group 2024 · Finland: Like 2001 · France: Chandeigne 2009 · Greece: Dardanos 2020 · The Netherlands: Van Gennep 2007 · Poland: PIW 2005 · Romania: Art · Slovenia: Beletrina 2005 · Spain: Alfaguara 2002 · Sweden: Ordfront 2002 · UK: Serpent’s Tail 2004

Under the Frangipani Tree (“A Varanda do Frangipani”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1996, 154 p.
Audiovisual rights sold to Real Fiçcão, Cinevídeo & Multimedia, LDA, Portugal
Andorra: Limits 1998 (Catalan rights) · Argentina: Edhasa 2021 (Latin American rights) · Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2007 · China: Guangxi Normal University Press Group · Croatia: V.B.Z. 2003 · Cuba: Arte y Literatura 2009 · Finland: Like 2006 · France: Albin Michel 2000 · Germany: Alexander Fest 2000, pb Unionsverlag 2007 · Iran: Ofoq ·  Italy: Guanda 2002 · Mexico: Elefanta 2014 · Norway: Aschehoug 1999 · Poland: Bertelsmann Media 2009 · Romania: Art 2008 · Sweden: Ordfront 1997 · UK: Serpent’s Tail 2001, pb 2008

The Sleepwalking Land (“Terra Sonâmbula”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1992, 220 p.
Feature Film, Pandora 2006
Brazil: Nova Fronteira 1993 · Catalan: Periscopi 2018 · China: Citic 2018 · Croatia: V.B.Z. 2005 · Czech Republic: BB Art Publishers 2003 · Denmark: Hjulet 2000 · France: Albin Michel 1994, Métailié · Georgia: Academic Press · Germany: dipa 1994, pb Unionsverlag 2014 · Greece: Aiora 2003 · India: Jadavpur 2022 (Bengali), Walden Publication (Marathi) · Iran: Ofoq Publishers 2021 · Israel: Carmel 2004 · Italy: Guanda 1999, pb 2002, Sellerio Editore 2025 · Japan: Kokusho Kankokai · Lebanon: Dar al Adab (Arabic) 2020 · Macedonia: Ars Lamina 2016 · Poland: ArtRage · The Netherlands: Ambo Anthos 1996, Van Gennep 2008 · Norway: Aschehoug 1994 · Poland: Karakter 2010 · Slovakia: Portugalsky · Slovenia: Beletrina · Spain: Alfaguara 1998, 2019, 2021 · Sweden: Ordfront 1995, pb 1999 · Taiwan: Homeward 2018 · UK: Serpent’s Tail 2006 · Ukraine: Calvaria · Uruguay: Banda Oriental 2013 · France: Métailié forthcoming 2025

Compendium for Unearthing Clouds (“Compêndio para Desenterrar Nuvens”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2023, 144 p.
China: Hunan Literature and Art · Mexico: Elefanta

Death, Time, and the Old Man (“A Morte, o Tempo e o Velho”)
(in: “Na Berma de Nenhuma Estrada”, Lisbon: Caminho 2001, 184 p.)
Film rights sold to Pixbee LDA, Portugal, under the title: The Birds (“As Aves”), directed by:  José Pedro Magano

The Invisible Elephant Hunter (“O Caçador de Elefantes Invisíveis”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2021, 172 p.

Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2023 · China: Hunan Literature and Art · France: Chandeigne 2023 · Taiwan: Homeward 2024 · Mexico: Elefanta 2024

A Cidade sem Nome
Lisbon: 30 Dias em Oeiras (revista online) 11/2021, 13 p.
Illustrations by Justino Cardoso

No Rio, além da Curva (Conto)
(in: “Estórias abensonhadas”, Lisbon: Caminho, 1994, 186 p.)
Poland: Fundacja Przekrój 2021

Sea Loves Me. Selected Stories
(including: Cada Homem é uma Raça, Estórias Abensonhadas, Contos do Nascer da Terra, Na Berma de Nenhuma Estrada, O Fio das Missangas, Mar Me Quer, Vozes Anoitecidas)
Canada: Biblioasis 2021, 416 p. (English world rights)

An Obliging Robber (“Um Gentil Ladrão“)
Lisbon: Visão 2020
Sweden: Karavan 2020 · USA : NYT 2020

The Elegant Terrorist (And Other Stories) (“O Terrorista Elegante (E Outras Histórias)”)
together with José Eduardo Agualusa (illustr. by Alex Cerveny)
São Paulo: Tusquets (Planeta) 2019, 176 p., Lisbon: Quetzal (Betrand) 2019
Bulgaria: Ergo Publishing · China: Citic 2023 · Slowakia: Portugalsky 2022 · Sweden: Panta Rei 2022

Black Box (“A Caixa Preta”)
(in: O Terrorista Elegante e outras Histórias, together with José Eduardo Agualusa)
Film rights sold to Filmes da Praça, Portugal, under the title Nayola, directed by: José Miguel Ribeiro

O Fio das Missangas
Lisbon: Caminho 2004, 148 p.
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2009
Bulgaria: Janet 45 · France: Chandeigne 2010 · Italy: Quarup 2011 · Poland: Inst. of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies 2008 · Spain: Le Tour 87

On the Side of No Road (“Na Berma de Nenhuma Estrada”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2001, 184 p.
Bulgaria: Janet 45

Twenty and Tin (“Vinte e Zinco”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1999, 142 p.
France: Albin Michel 2003 · Italy: Urogallo 2013

Stories of the Earth Being Born (“Contos do Nascer da Terra”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1997, 245 p.

Rain and Oher Stories (“Estórias Abensonhadas”)
Lisbon: Caminho, 1994, 186 p.
PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant 2014 for the English translation
Brazil: Nova Fronteira 1996 · Canada: Biblioasis 2019 (English world rights) · China: Guangxi ·  France: Albin Michel 1996, Chandeigne 2016 · Poland: Inst. of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies 2008

Lisbon: Caminho, 1991, 193 p.
Chile: LOM 2005 (Latin American rights) · France: Albin Michel 1996 · Italy: IBIS 1998 · Romania: Polirom 2023 (Anthology of short prose) · Spain: Txalaparta 1996, 2011

Every Man is a Race (“Cada Homem É uma Raça”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1990, 181 p.
Brazil: Nova Frontiera 1998, Companhia das Letras · China : Guangxi ·  Estonia: Loomingu Raamatukogu 2015 · France: Albin Michel 1996 · Italy: IBIS (avail.) · Poland: Inst. of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies 2008 · South Africa: Penguin Books 2010 · Spain: Alfaguara 2004 · UK: Heinemann 1993

A Princesa Russa
(included in the volume of stories Every Man is a Race)
Film rights under option

Voices Made Night (“Vozes Anoitecidas”)
Lisbon: Caminho 1986, 169 p.
Belgium: Houtekiet (Dutch) 1996 · China : Guangxi 2024 ·  France: Albin Michel 1996 · Italy: Lavoro 1989 (avail.) · Slovenia: LUD Literatura (extended by “Nas Águas do Tempo”, in: Estórias Abensonhadas) · South Africa: Penguin Books 2010 · Spain: Txalaparta 2001 · UK: Heinemann 1990

Pensageiro Frequente
Lisbon: Caminho 2010, 136 p.
Canada: Biblioasis 2015 (English world rights)

E se Obama fosse Africano? e outras Interinvenções
Lisbon: Caminho 2009, 216 p.
Canada: Biblioasis 2015 (English world rights) · France: Chandeigne 2010

Pensatempos. Textos de Opinão
Lisbon: Caminho 2005, 157 p
Canada: Biblioasis 2015 (English world rights)

Tradutor de Chuvas
Lisbon: Caminho 2011, 120 p.
France: Chandeigne (bilingual edition)

Raiz de Orvalho
Lisbon: Caminho 1999, 99 p.
Spain: CEDMA 2009

The Infinite River (“O Rio Infinito”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2022, 40 p.
Ill. by Danuta Wojciechowska

The Water and the Eagle (“A Água e a Águia”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2018, 27 p.
Ill. by Danuta Wojciechowska
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2019 · China: Citic 2019

The Courtyard of Shadows (“O Pátio das Sombras”)
Maputo: Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique- Centro de Ensino e Língua Portuguesa 2009
FNLIJ Prize 2019
Brazil: Kapulana 2018

Ill. by Malangatana

France: Editons Projectiles 2022

Little Word Kisses (“O Beijo da Palavrinha”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2008, 29 p.
Ill. by Danuta Wojciechowska
Brazil: Língua Geral 2006 · China: Citic 2019

The Amazed Rain (“A Chuva Pasmada”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2004, 74 p.
Ill. by Danuta Wojciechowska
Argentina: Puerto de Palos 2017 · China: Citic · France: Chandeigne 2014

The Kitten and the Dark (“O Gato e o Escuro”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2001
Ill. by Danuta Wojciechowska
Brazil: Companhia das Letras 2008 · China: Citic 2019 · France: Chandeigne 2003

Mar Me Quer
Lisbon: Caminho 2000, 72 p.
Ill. by João Nasi Pereira
Cuba: Gente Nueva · France: Chandeigne · Mexico: Elefanta 2024 · Sweden: Panta Rei 2019

The Universe in a Grain of Sand (“O Universo num Grão de Areia”)
Lisbon: Caminho 2019, 272 p.
Italy: Sellerio Editore 2021

Poetry from Africa, in the South of the Sahara Desert. 1945-2025
(“Poésie d’Afrique au Sud du Sahara. 1945-2025”)
(It includes: “Protesto Contra a Lentidão das Fontes” in: Raiz de Orvalho, 1999;
“Sotaque da Terra” in: Raiz de Orvalho, 1999,
“Lembrança Alada,” in: Idades, Cidades, Divindades, 2008)
France: Éditions Points (Seuil)

O Irresistível Charme da Tradução… Uma Antologia de Histórias de Tradutores
(Ed.: Marisa Mourinha & Marta Pacheco Pinto)
(“Tradutor de chuvas”)
Lisboa: Documenta 2023

Kiwi. Antologia De Proza Scurta. Trecuturi
(Ed.: Marius Chivu)
(Five Stories from “Cronicando”)
Romania: Polirom 2023

Crónicas lusófonas. Portugiesische Chroniken
(Ed.: Luisa Costa-Hölzl)
(“A Árvore que Engoliu o Tempo”)
Germany: dtv 2022