Héctor Abad //
Héctor Abad‘s “Except for My Heart, All Is Well” is one of 6 finalists of the Mario Vargas Llosa Biennial Prize for Novels 2023. It consists of 100,000 dollars. The award ceremony will be held between 25 and 28 May 2023, at the Conjunto Santander de Artes Escénicas of the University of Guadalajara.
The prize was created by the Vargas Llosa Chair in 2014 to promote literature written in Spanish. It aims to generate the interest of agents and publishers in the main languages of the world and to make new authors known, consecrate well-known authors and offer an additional boost to their careers. In addition to the prize money of 100,000 dollars, the winner receives a sculpture by the Peruvian artist Fernando de Szyszlo.
The Biennial is now in its fifth edition and on its way to consolidate its position as one of the leading literary prizes.
The former winners of the prize are Juan Bonilla, Carlos Franz, Rodrigo Blanco Calderón and Juan Gabriel Vásquez.
> letralia.com/premio-de-novela-vargas-llosa-seis-finalistas/
> catedravargasllosa.org/