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Gisela Antonuccio
Argentina / Mexico Gisela Antonuccio was born in 1975 in Buenos Aires. Graduating in journalism from the University of Salvador, she [...]
Julieta Arroquy
Argentina Julieta Arroquy was born in Bahía Blanca in 1974 and lives in Buenos Aires. She studied media studies, then worked [...]
Isabel Baboun
Chile Isabel Baboun was born in Santiago de Chile in 1984. She is a writer and actor. She received a PhD [...]
Portugal (1934 – 2017) Baptista-Bastos, born in Lisbon in 1934, was a writer and journalist. He was unarguably one of the leading [...]
Eduardo Belgrano Rawson
Argentina Eduardo Belgrano Rawson was born in a small village in Argentina in 1943. He studied Journalism and Cinema Studies and [...]
Khalil Bendib
Algeria / USA A survivor of the Battle of Algiers, Khalil Bendib was born in Paris as a refugee of Algeria’s [...]
Agustina Bessa-Luís
(1922-2019) Portugal Agustina Bessa-Luís was born in 1922 near Amarante (in the Douro region) in the North of Portugal. Her childhood [...]
Sergio Bizzio
Argentina Sergio Bizzio, born in Buenos Aires in 1956, is a narrator, poet, dramatist, scriptwriter and screenwriter. Author of a large [...]