Ray-Güde Mertin

* 19 July 1943 – † 13 January 2007


She died on January 13th, after having struggled so bravely against an unbeatable illness. Our memories of her energy, her dedication and her optimism are an example to us all at this difficult time, and give us the strength and courage to go on. We are very grateful for the overwhelming support we have received from you, and for all the contributions you have made to remembering Ray all over the world. Ray leaves a huge vacuum in her wake. We know how much she put into the agency, and how much she wanted us to look to the future and continue her life’s work. Rest assured that we will continue to be here for you at all times.

Nicole Witt and the team

Many authors and others close to Ray have written and published wonderful texts about her life, and what she meant and shall always mean to the world of literature. We have tried our very best to collect them all, not daring to publish here the texts which have reached us privately, and shall be grateful for any further suggestions. The opening words are those of José Saramago, a longstanding friend of Ray’s, and then, in their respective languages, links to the texts by other authors and friends in alphabetical/language order.

“Todos aqueles que escrevemos em português e em espanhol, quer na Europa, quer na América e quer em África, acabámos de perder, não só uma grande amiga, mas também uma agente literária absolutamente fora do comum. Mesmo os autores daquelas partes do mundo que não estiveram representados por Ray-Güde Mertin acabaram por beneficiar indirectamente do influxo positivo do trabalho por ela desenvolvido durante quase trinta anos de actividade organizada, contínua e pertinaz a favor da difusão dos autores e das literaturas a que pertenciam. Negociadora ao mesmo tempo implacável e subtil defendeu os interesses dos autores melhor do que fossem os seus próprios. Amiga e companheira de todos e de cada um, deixa uma lembrança que nunca se apagará. Também a coragem com que enfrentou a doença deverá constituir para nós uma lição de impecável dignidade. Assim a recordarei eu sempre.”

José Saramago

Selection of international obituaries

By Deutschland Radio, Kulturnachrichten, 16-01-2007
> dradio.de/kulturnachrichten/200701161800/11

By Bärbel Flad – Verband deutschsprachiger Übersetzer literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Werke e.V.
> literaturuebersetzer.de/pages/uebersetzer-archiv/ray-guede_nachruf.htm

By Karsten Garscha – Institut für Romanische Sprachen und Literaturen der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 16-02-2007
> uni-frankfurt.de/fb/fb10/romanistik/mitarbeiter/mertin/index.uhtml

By Ute Körner · Günter G. Rodewald · Sandra Rodericks – Ute Körner Literary Agent, Sl, 16-01-2007
> uklitag.com/site/news_detail_new.php?id=607&cur_page=0

By Frankfurts Kuturdezernent, 3Sat, 17-01-2007
> 3sat.de/3sat.php?http://www.3sat.de/kulturzeit/news/103179/index.html

By Frankfurter Neue Presse, 19-01-2007
> rhein-main.net/sixcms/list.php?page=fnp2_news_article&id=3456708

By Wolfram Schütte – Titel Magazin
> titel-forum.de/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=5325

By Karin von Schweder-Schreiner – Portugiesisch Hanseatische Gesellschaft e. V.- Associação Luso-Hanseática
> p-hh.de/PP37/s_pp37_nachrufMertin.html

By Ernst Stratmann – Börsenblatt Online, 15-01-2007
> boersenblatt.net/sixcms/detail.php?id=135923&template=b2_tpl_home_detail

By Maria E. Cruz – Críticas, 15-01-2007
> criticasmagazine.com/article/CA6408226.html

By Luis Sepúlveda – El Comercio Digital, 14-01-2007
> elcomerciodigital.com/prensa/20070116/sociedad/profesora-gude-mertin_20070116.html

By Geraldo Hoffmann – Deutsche Welle, 16-01-2007
> dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2312183,00.html

By Sérgio Sant`Anna – Cronópios, 16-01-2007
> cronopios.com.br/site/noticias.asp?id=2106

By Ondjaki, www.novacultura.de, January 2007
> novacultura.de/0701rgm.html

By José Viegas, Origen da especiés, 15-01-2007
> origemdasespecies.blogspot.com/2007/01/ray.html

By Agência Riff, 15-01-2007
> agenciariff.com.br/diario/default.asp?mes=1&ano=2007&menu=/Diário de Bordo#t380

By Textos de Contracapa 2, 15-01-2007
> textosdecontracapa2.blogspot.com/

By Luis Sepúlveda – Le Monde Diplomatique, 14-01-2007
> www.lemondediplomatique.cl/-Luis-Sepulveda-.html