Premi Llibreter 2018
José Eduardo Agualusa // José Eduardo Agualusa has been awarded the Premi Llibreter 2018 in Barcelona for the Catalan translation of his novel Teoria Geral do Esquecimento (“A General Theory of Oblivion”). The jury consists of booksellers. > >
Camões Prize 2018
Germano Almeida // Germano Almeida of Cape Verde is the winner of the 2018 Camões Prize for Literature, the most prestigious international award honoring the work of Portuguese language writers. Among its former winners are Miguel Torga, Jorge Amado, José Saramago, Pepetela, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, [...]
Nat Geo Kids develops animated series
Flávia Lins e Silva // Nat Geo Kids has greenlit its first two original productions for children in Latin America, entitled Nat Geo Lab and Pilar and will develop the Pilar series by Flávia Lins e Silva into an animated series for young audiences. Nat Geo [...]
In Memoriam: Carlos Heitor Cony
Carlos Heitor Cony * 14 March 1926 - † 5 January 2018 CARLOS HEITOR CONY PASSED AWAY ON 5TH JANUARY 2018. Carlos Heitor Cony is one of Brazil's most distinguished authors. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1926, he has been a writer and journalist all his life, witnessing and [...]
In Memoriam: Moacyr Scliar
Moacyr Scliar * 23 March 1937 - † 27 February 2011 WE ARE MOURNING THE DEATH OF OUR FRIEND AND AUTHOR MOACYR SCLIAR, WHO PASSED AWAY ON 27 FEBRUARY. Moacyr Scliar was one of Latin America's most important contemporary writers who was repeatedly awarded the most distinguished prizes of [...]
In Memoriam: José Saramago
José Saramago * 16 November 1922 - † 18 June 2010 WE ARE MOURNING OUR FRIEND, AUTHOR AND NOBEL PRIZE WINNER JOSÉ SARAMAGO. At 12:30 p.m. on Friday, June 18th, José Saramago died in his home on Lanzarote at the age of 87, due to a multiple organ failure [...]
In Memoriam: Ray-Güde Mertin
Ray-Güde Mertin * 19 July 1943 - † 13 January 2007 WE ARE IN MOURNING FOR OUR BELOVED “CHEFINHA”, RAY-GÜDE MERTIN. She died on January 13th, after having struggled so bravely against an unbeatable illness. Our memories of her energy, her dedication and her optimism are an example to us [...]