Project Description

The Year We Talked with the Sea Andrés Montero


Andrés Montero, born in Santiago de Chile in 1990, is a writer and oral storyteller. He has a master’s degree in Literary Creation from the BSM-UPF, in Barcelona. Together with Nicole Castillo, he runs the Casa Contada School, a space for learning and community around writing and storytelling, and hosts the television programme Storytellers on the Road. In 2017 he won the X Iberoamerican Prize of Novel Elena Poniatowska of Mexico City for the novel TONY NOBODY, and in 2022 he received the Arts Critics’ Circle Prize, the Santiago Municipality Prize, the Chilean Academy of Language and the Ministry of Cultures’ Prize for Best Literary Works in Chile, for DEATH COMES CREEPING.

Andrés Montero© Andrés Montero


The Year We Talked with the Sea (‘El año en que hablamos con el mar’)
Santiago de Chile: La Pollera 2024, 226 p.
Denmark: Aurora Boreal · Italy: Edicola

Santiago de Chile: Sudamericana (PRH) 2019, 156 p.

Tony Nobody (“Tony Ninguno”)
Santiago de Chile: La Pollera 2016, 148 p.
English sample translation available
X Iberoamerican Prize of Novel Elena Poniatowska
Pedro de Oña Novel Prize 2015
Finalist Clarín Novel Prize (Argentina)
Denmark: Jensen & Daalgard 2019 · Italy: Edícola 2018 · Spain: Lastarria & De Mora 2022

Death Comes Creeping
(‘La muerte viene estilando’)

Santiago de Chile: La Pollera 2021, 130 p.
Arts Critics’ Circle Prize
Santiago Municipality Prize
Ministry of Cultures’ Prize for Best Literary Works
Greece: Dioptra 2024 · Italy: Edícola 2023 · Mexico: Polilla 2023

Why Tell Tales in the 21st Century
(‘Por qué contar cuentos en el siglo XXI’)

Santiago de Chile: Casa Contada 2020
Spain: Palabras del Candil 2020, 106 p.
Colibri Medal Award 2021

(Rights: SM Chile)
Bestiary of Chile
(‘Bestiario de Chile’)

Illustrations by Diego Donoso Suazola
Santiago de Chile: Editions SM 2024, 64 p.
Honorable Mention Colibri Medal 2023

Three Nights at School
(‘Tres noches en la escuela’)

Illustrations by Diego Donoso Suazola
Santiago de Chile: Editions SM 2023, 168 p.

Someone Knocks at the Door. Chilean Legends (‘Alguien toca la Puerta. Leyendas chilenas’)
Illustrations by Adrián Gouet
Santiago de Chile: Editions SM 2020, 104 p.
Marta Brunet Prize 2017
Prize of Santiago Municipality

On the Horizon a Ship is Drawn
(‘En el horizonte se dibuja un barco’)

Illustrations by Sebastián Ilabaca
Santiago de Chile: Editions SM 2018, 128 p.
Steamboat Prize Finalist 2019
Finalist Santiago Municipality Prize 2017