Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida //
Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida is the winner of the Vergílio Ferreira Prize 2025, granted by the Universidade de Évora. The jury explained that the author was awarded the prize “for the decisive role she has played in revitalising contemporary Portuguese narrative, constructing plots and composing characters that problematise questions of identity, displacement and colonialism, distancing herself from and engaging in a unique dialogue with Portuguese literary tradition”.
This prize has been awarded since 1997 and honours outstanding Portuguese-language authors in the field of narrative and/or essay.
Former winners include Ondjaki (2023), Ana Luísa Amaral (2021), Nélida Piñon (2019), Gonçalo M. Tavares (2018), Lídia Jorge (2015), Hélia Correia (2013), Mário de Carvalho (2009), Agustina Bessa-Luís (2004), Eduardo Lourenço (2001) and Mia Couto (1999).