About SB

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So far SB has created 105 blog entries.

Anna Seghers Prize 2020

2020-11-04T16:34:01+01:00May 19th, 2020|Awards|

Hernán Ronsino // We're proud to announce that Hernán Ronsino is one of the two winners of the renowned Anna Seghers Prize 2020. The prize has [...]

Piled Women: TV rights sold

2020-11-04T16:36:13+01:00May 2nd, 2020|Launchings|

Patrícia Melo // We are proud to announce that we have just sold the TV rights to Piled Women (“Mulheres empilhadas”), the national bestselling novel by [...]

In Memoriam: Luis Sepúlveda

2020-11-30T11:02:24+01:00April 17th, 2020|In Memoriam|

Luis Sepúlveda * 4 October 1949 - † 16 April 2020 WE ARE MOURNING OUR FRIEND AND AUTHOR LUIS SEPÚLVEDA. On 16th April, Luis Sepúlveda passed away in Asturias [...]

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