Lídia Jorge //
Opening and concession ceremony: Saturday 28th November 2020
The International Book Fair (FIL) of Guadalajara has granted the renowned FIL Prize in Romance Languages 2020 to the Portuguese author Lídia Jorge “because of the magnitude of her work, which portrays the way in which human beings face the great events of history”. The jury also highlighted Jorge’s literary career, “marked by originality and independence of judgement”. The prize honors the author’s lifetime achievement and consists of 150,000 U$.
Saturday 28th November
Opening ceremony and presentation of the FIL Prize for Literature in Romance Languages 2020
Participants: Lídia Jorge and Anna Caballé (Laudatio)
18:00 to 19:50 (Europe)
11:00 to 12:50 (Mexico)
> More information and programme with Lídia Jorge
(Saturday 28th November, Monday 30th November, Friday 4th December)