Natalia Timerman //
Natalia Timerman will be will be a guest at Art Omi: Writers in the United States of America as Writer in Residence, starting in March 2025.
For almost one month, Natalia will be living in a rural setting near New York City, with time to focus on her creative work.
During the residence, a program of weekly visits bring guests from the New York publishing community. Noted editors, agents and book scouts are invited to share dinner with the writers to talk about creative and practical subjects, offering insight into the workings of the publishing industry, and introductions to some of its key professionals.
Among the guests have been Joseph O’Neill, which won the Pen/Faulkner Award; Susan Choi, inaugural recipient of the PEN/W.G. Sebald Award and Goce Smilevski, who was awarded the European Union Prize for Literature.